19G brings a fresh perspective to digital fashion.

As technology proceeds to expand drastically, the fine line between the virtual and real world begins to blur out, and thanks to COVID19, many people have learned access to the virtual mode of socialising.

Imagine a future where clothes are made of pixels instead of threads and yarns, and accessories are created digitally instead of fashioned with tangible materials.

Not your typical expression of fashion, but is affordable and inclusive for everyone.

As technology proceeds to expand drastically, the fine line between the virtual and real world begins to blur out, and thanks to COVID19, many people have learned access to the virtual mode of socialising. The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed online shopping behaviors, according to a survey of about 3,700 consumers in nine emerging and developed economies (United Nations, 2020).

Digital fashion is not your typical everyday fashion. It is the sustainable fashion created with the computer using pixels, 3D Renders, and software. 

GenZ places a high importance on IRL (in real life) experiences and does not see much of a difference between digital and physical (phygital or physical) encounters. According to a study by Ernst & Young, GenZ and digital natives are the first generations to develop socially connected and attached to a massive amount of current, global knowledge online (Adweek).

Through social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Tok-tok, and Twitter, as well as creating a virtual persona and digital avatar, digital fashion provides people the opportunity to express themselves. We may express ourselves while wearing apparel that is not constrained by the laws of physics or gravity because of the immersive nature of digital fashion.

Imagine donning a digital garment composed of glass, plywood, fire, and water. With the development of digital fashion, this is now possible.

The New Reality of Fashion is Digital | Gala Marija Vrbanic | TED

Financial services company Morgan Stanley forecasts that the digital fashion business might be worth USD 50 billion by 2030.
The clothing manufacturing business consumes a significant quantity of fresh water, produces 20% of global wastewater, has a high carbon footprint, and contributes significantly to microplastic pollution in soil and water. 
Additionally, a digital garment can be produced with fewer materials and resources and without incurring significant costs for things like shipping and logistics.

With that being in our mind, We at Neo Marche, our very own virtual store, bring people the space for designers from around the world to come, showcase and sell their digital garments to the audience who love to experiment and experience fashion through, everyday OOTDs, Snapchat outfits, gaming skins just like 19G.


19G is a computerized unisex clothing line. Olga Gladilova, a Fashion Designer residing in Columbo, Sri Lanka, established the business. 
The ideology of 19G is to view clothing as a symbol of personal protection. Their main means of expression are metallic components and how they react with different textures.
Metal here refers to the knight’s armour, which has two significant meanings: this is both the romance of the Middle Ages and a bloody conflict with many casualties. Consequently, the duality of our nature, the ceaseless conflict within each of us, follows. 

19G was created to express what’s important is what’s within us; it’s crucial to maintain it and never betray ourselves.  
Many gamers, you-tubers, and many Tech geeks and influencers invest a lot in gaming skins and outfits to make their virtual-self more fashionable, sophisticated and efficient to attract more audiences to engage and interact. For all gamers who enjoy hero shooter games and digital natives on NFTs and web3.0, 19G develops digital skins relevant to the meta fashion.

I mean, who wouldn’t want to look like a baddie in a game of Fortnite or wear a stunning outfit on their Snapchat avatar?

“Vice’s creative agency, Virtue, began pitching the idea of digital fashion to emerging brands in 2019, after creating a sold-out digital fashion collection with Scandinavian retailer Carlings.” says, vogue business. Eventually, brands began to embrace the concept of digital fashion, preferring to allow influencers to promote clothing online with just one click rather than providing them with free real products. With 19G, you can try on their clothes through applications like zero10.app
For influencers and anybody to do a virtual try-on with the garments.

I Wore Digital Clothes For A Week

Virtual stores and designers such as DressX, Thefabricant, Replicant, tribute, Neo Marche, and many other stores continue to make digital garments to attract more and more designers and consumers around the world to come ahead and contribute to sustainable yet very futuristic fashion practices. 19G as a brand is working with virtual stores and metaverses such as Roblox.

How does digital fashion work? 
DressX just released its app that allows customers to virtually try on garments from the comfort of their homes for free.

Studios like Zepeto were developed for individuals who could have fun by making virtual avatars, including in-games, interacting with others like Instagram and Snapchat, and socialising by digitally altering the backdrops, costumes, and sets.

A lot of designers are currently working hard on creating virtual fashion for such companies to collaborate with them.
Why should you consider 19G as a brand to buy digital clothes from: 
19G sells its digital clothing in a few online stores, and the center of its collection on the following:

They are sustainable and safe for the environment.
No fashion pollution and labour added. 
They make designs appropriate for all gamers and influencers to try on an OOTD.
Their collections are sophisticated and futuristic which a lot of people are drawn to.
And most importantly, THEY LOOK COOL!

People use fashion as a means of self-expression at all times and in all aspects of their lives, and there is nothing greater than fashion that contributes to sustainable living solutions for the planet.
To get your hands on the new collections of 19G and many other brands, SHOP NOW, only on https://neomarche.co.uk/